Centralize and take control of sustainability

Access all sustainability information in one place and in real-time to meet current obligations. Incorporate information from multiple data sources into the indicators.

Proud Partners of

    • Cisco Meraki
    • Amazon Web Services
    • Bosch
    • Scheneider
    • Admira
    • EComputer

We provide

the most comprehensive

sustainability solution

SaaS solution that centralizes, automates, informs, and communicates sustainability plans, and takes control of your indicators to avoid non-compliance.

Back2blu overview

A full set of features

Streamline Sustainability Management Solutions.

A SaaS solution that helps companies manage, report, and communicate strategic sustainability plans, track metrics, and avoid non-compliance through a user-friendly interface.


Audit / Logbook

New regulatory frameworks require constant adaptation, and audit-proof ensurability (evidence, traceability) from your company.

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Ensure governance and compliance. Check out our easy to use templates. Reduce errors in reporting. All automated.

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Control, Compliance, Oversight.

Regulations play a crucial role in ensuring sustainability by setting standards and guidelines for industries to follow in order to minimize their impact on the environment.

CSRD Regulation

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requires companies to report on the impact of corporate activities on the environment and society, and requires the audit (assurance) of reported information. The purpose of the Green Deal is to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

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SFDR Regulation

European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, aimed to obtaining greater transparecy with respect to the analysis of sustainability risks inherent in business activities of financial market participants and financial advisers.

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TCFD Guidelines

Developed by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures addressed to businesses obliged to disclose non-financial data and diversity information. Not binding yet, but recommended by the European Securities and Markets Authority.

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Banking for Sustainable Future.

Green financing, ethical investments, ESG compliance, resource efficiency, responsible lending, stakeholder engagement, financial inclusion, sustainable growth.

Driving sustainable transition for businesses and society.
Monitor the M€ moved in sustainable finances, M€ in efficient house mortgages, loans to address energy efficiency at businesses and homes, loans to acquire electric vehicles, plastic credit cards switched by virtual ones, participation in VCs and corportations that invest in sustainable products and solutions.
Leading positive social impact and fostering financial inclusion.
Championing initiatives that create social benefits, while promoting accessible financial services for all, driving inclusive growth.
Advocate responsible culture by excelling in governance.
Fostering an ethical, accountable environment by prioritizing strong governance and serving as a leading example of responsible conduct.
Back2blu sustainability banking solutions

Upcoming events

Be sure to note the upcoming sustainability events on your calendar.

10th edition of the European Conference

The conference's exciting lineup - which will address shared governance, integrated finance and cohesive transition, as well as Aalborg's rich history, vibrant culture and welcoming community.

Sustainability LIVE 2024

Connect with the World's Sustainability, ESG and Net Zero Leaders and get your passes for our upcoming in-person and virtual conferences as well as the inaugural awards programme.

COP 29

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly known as COP29, will be the 29th United Nations Climate Change conference.

See more events

For the planet,
For the people,
For the future

We help sustainable entities take relevant actions that reverse the reduction of emissions and contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable future.

Back2blu sustainability for the planet, people and future.

Get started today

You can't improve what you don't measure.
Back2blu provides a framework for assessing sustainability efforts, identifying areas for improvement, and tracking progress towards sustainability goals, on autopilot.

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